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This is a icon modul from www.joomla51.com which i have it modified. You can with this Module show it a Icon grid gallery. My modified in this modul is the advanced settings and the hover effects. You can select between 6 hover styles, setup the different colors and more. The copyright of the module is at joomla51.com.

Click on readmore and watch the demos.


J51_Icons - Modify with hover effect and animate

This demo show the hover styles with the different settings. I have here per row a setting style. An exact description will follow soon on www.it-conserv.de. If I get the approval of joomla51, then there is also the free Download.

Demo 1

The modul with different colors, but without effects

Demo 2

The modul with different colors, a circle around the icon and without effects.

Demo 3

The modul with different colors, a circle around the icon and with simple hover color effect.

Demo 4

How Demo 3 and additionally effect style "circle top open".

Demo 5

How Demo 3 and additionally effect style "circle laterally open".

Demo 6

How Demo 3 and additionally effect style "circle rotation vertical" and light shadow.

Demo 7

How Demo 3 and additionally effect style "circle to square" and light shadow on dark background.

Demo 8

How Demo 3 and additionally effect style "circle big border" and light shadow on dark background.

Demo 9

How Demo 3 and additionally effect style "circle rotation horizontal" on dark background.